Missouri - MO
No Trees in your state yet :'(
there are three options:
Start a library in your state
Add an existing library in your state
Connect to a library in another state
Start a Library
Its easy(ish)!
All you need is:
Op. Stand: Growing Zine Trees Print it!
New Library checklist
A love of community
A hatred of Empire
Submit Here!
When you’re done with the checklist
More resources
Run a Library Page
on the
Have an existing
Library or Press?
Download the New Library Checklist
Check the items off the list
Connect your library to Op. Stand using the listing button above! ^^
Add an existing Library or Convert a Press
The same steps as making a new library, with the hard parts already done!
More resources
Run a Library Page
Connect to a
nearby State’s Library
Closest states with libraries online