

are the

This is where we keep all the information, tutorials, documents, templates, guides and plug-and-play assets for librarians to start and manage their local libraries

  • Provide making instructions, templates and guidance to Makers

  • Collect digital zines from artists, educators and organizers in their state

  • Screen submissions for errors, factuality, formatting and originality

  • Make approved zines easily available for download and printing by people in their region

  • Advertise those zines on social media and through other outlets available to them

What libraries do:

Read out Op Stand: Growing Zine Trees for a complete overview of the network and how it comes together!

How to Start or Add an Op Stand Library:

  1. Download the New Library Checklist

  2. Check off the steps (1-2 week task)

  3. Go to the Library Network

  4. Find your State

  5. Submit your library using the “Library Listing” button!

Library Explainer Videos